Wednesday, March 09, 2005


There’s this girl that I know,
Who has a place in my heart,
Her shining smile and silly jokes,
She’s still with me, after she departs.

There’s this boy that I know,
That I value far too much,
He knows how to make me feel good and bad,
With horrid words or a simple touch.

There’s this girl that I know,
Who seems to be having a few troubles now,
I hope she knows I’m always there for her,
I’ll help if she just tells me how.

There’s this boy that I know,
Who always has the right advice,
Slightly sex-crazed kid,
But always so damn nice.

There’s this girl that I know,
Who’s always loving and caring,
She may worry about me sometimes,
Taking some of the pain, joy sharing.

There’s this boy that I know,
Who was always there for me,
Sorry that I wanted happiness too much,
But thank you for letting me be free.

There’s this girl that I know,
That’s so clever and always so true,
Makes me laugh in a different way,
She’s such a good friend, if only she knew.

There’s this boy that I know,
Who I’m not as close as the others with him,
But there’s something about him that makes me smile,
I don’t feel shy and I don’t feel grim.

There’s this girl that I know,
Who dances away into the night,
So loveable and beautiful,
So happy and pretty to the sight.

There’s this boy that I know,
Who is slightly scared of my psychoness,
I used to be closer with him,
But now we talk less and less.

There’s this girl that I know,
Who has such a great style,
She listens to her music, bopping along,
I sit there smiling all the while.

There’s this boy that I know,
Who I was friends with many years ago,
But we went our separate ways,
I still think about him though.

There’s this girl that I know,
That’s worth more than anything to me,
She’s the bestest friend I could have,
So kind at heart and beautiful to see.

These are my many friends,
Some closer and some further away,
I love them more than words can express,
Without them, I would not be here today.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Malaysia's National Everything

First walk towards the car you are interested in.Then walkaround the car in circles, tapping and knockingevery part ofthe chassis with your knuckles. Then saysomething like"Body not very solid". After that approach the frontleft tyre,give it a few hard kicks just to "test" the tyre. Nextwalk to therear right side and press the body of the car downa few times,and exclaim loudly "wah, asorbar not bad". Are youdone?Now you're ready to do the static "test drive". Getinto the carand give the steering wheel a few turns. Flash thelights,sound the horn, recline the seats, pull and releasethe handbrake, open up every compartment etc. Do all thetests whileyou're pretending to read the brochure. Finished?Final test:get out of the car and slam the door a few times tocheck for"solid sound". If satisfied, approach the salesmanand ask"How much loan can take?"

National Rice Cooker.99% of Malaysian households use a National RiceCooker, theother 1 % don't eat rice.

Lucky or Poppy. Every self respecting mongrel inMalaysiawho has an owner will invariably be named Poppyor Lucky.

Nasi Lemak. Who cooks and eats nasi lemak athome forbreakfast anyway?

Maggi Mee. Also the national lunch and dinner ifyou're a outof town student, bachelor, neglected husband, lazyfella, etc.

Maggi Mee.

Traffic Jam.

None. Most Malaysians still feel embarrassedbuyingcondoms. So they rushed in to a Seven Eleven,hurriedly grabthe nearest pack, any pack, pay and leave beforethe cashiercan even blink an eye.


Stout. Many swear by it. But after a few pints theystartswearing at everything

Food Poisoning.

Menstrual Pain

Headache, kids not asleep, maid not asleep,mother-in-lawaround, early appointment, food not digested yet,air cond notcold enough, air cond too cold, nail polish not dryyet, forgot totake the pill, sleepy, stomach cramps, period,haven't removemake-up, haven't shower, no water supply, going towatch"Santa Barbara", depress, no mood, etc.

None. Malaysian men never refuse sex.

Transvestites. Every heterosexual male Malaysianseems tohave a secret desire for a "bapok". Come Saturdaynights,they will flock to all those places where thetransvestites hangout. They ogle at them, tease them, pay fortheir "services",etc. They never fail to honk in excitement whenthey see oneon the road. And the Saturday night outings tothese placesare always in a group of three or four male friends.It's a kindof Malaysian male bonding. Yes. Male bonding byseekingmen dressed up as women. It's no wonder thatdrag showssuch as "Paper Dolls" are ever so popular inMalaysia.

Panadol. The "cure all" for Malaysians. If it fails wehaveanother secret weapon;Tiger Balm.

Minyak Angin Cap Kapak.

Happy Hours.

The sight of a police road block.

Pil 'Chi-Kit' Teck Aun. The miracle cure! It works.Ten minutesand you're "dried" up. Always pack some of thisstuff whenyou're travelling.

Queuing up patiently at 4D shops. This is verystrange. Onweek days you'll find the same people jumpingqueues,elbowing the next guy at the bus stops, trainstations etc.THEORY & REALITY. The probability of youwinning the firstprize at a 4D game is 10000 to 1. Hard tocomprehend?Imagine you're at the Merdeka Stadium and you'restanding onthe field facing the grandstand. There are only10000spectators and you have lost your car keys. One oftheseguys in the crowd have found your keys. I give youonly onechance to pinpoint that guy. No way right?! Somuch for thetheory. Now for the reality. Malaysians are anoptimistic lotand I believe that the possibility of your luckynumber comingup in a permutation is always almost 10 to 1. Thatis why thenext morning at the kopi tiam, someone will bescreaming%#*&! Na Phui! Number Terbalik! My good friendLoo Singh, aregular punter has offered the following tips. Whenyou're atany KTM (Kuda, Toto, Magnum) outlets alwaysavoid a queueconsisting mainly of Chinese. These fellas don'tlike pen andpaper. They bark their bets across the countercausingunnecessary delays. Avoid the queue where thereare manyIndians. Indians like to place RM 1 bets. Onlyproblem is theyplace about 200 RM 1 bets at the same time. Thewhole ofSentul probably "tumpang" him. Go for the queuewhere thereare many Malays and Indonesians. Usually, theyplace smallbets and only on one number.

Rolex. Usually the model with the gold braceletand diamondstudded bezel.

Tag Hauer. Every yuppie's must-have "show off"accessory.Usually further down the wrist, in the palm is a tinyMotorola Vseries cellular phone. The irony is that Motorolaspent muchtime and effort creating a phone that fitscomfortably insidethe shirt pocket.
Rolex, Tag Hauer, Raymond Weil or Patek PhilippefromPetaling Street.

Anywhere. As long as it is not your house.

Lake Gardens, cinemas and reservoirs.

Lake Gardens, cinemas and reservoirs.

Carrefour. Sometimes even pronounced as Carry 4!On second thoughts, why bother pronouncingPeugeot,Renault or Citroen correctly. I thinks it soundsbetter, when thelocal mechanics say "Pew Jeot". When I was inschool, Milowas always Mee Lo, now that I'm sophisticated, Isay "MyLo". So don't be embarassed saying "Carry 4"when the MatSallehs shamelessly pronounce orang utanas "rangutan".

Attacking the Balloons. This one I can never figureout. Whenthe balloons are released from the ballroom'sceiling, grownmen in suits, women, children, even the waiters willattack theballoons like savages. They squashed andstomped on theballoons so ferociously until not one single inflatedballoon isleft. They take no prisoners. They then quietlymarch out ofthe ballroom like victorious soldiers leaving behinda trail ofdeath and destruction. Animals!

The Bra-less Tourist. See how heads turn andtraffic slowsdown when a bra-less Mat Salleh backpacker goesbouncingabout on the streets of Kuala Lumpur.

Stick Two Fingers.Another one which I can't figure out. When you'rehaving yourpicture taken, the friend behind you will alwaysplace two"horns" on your head.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Take Care... Farewell~

Thank You

Thank You Aik Meng
for the times we've had in alpha.

Thank you Alan Lau
for the jokes you told.
for being the forever smiley guy.
for looking up to me.
for the experiences we've had in E-nite.
for reminding me chee wan's name.

Thank you Alicia Hue
for the fun we had in KL.
for ordering Bah Kut Teh in Petaling street.
for being a friend.

Thank You Alvin Keng
for helping me to find the correct pitch for "We Could Be In Love"
for the times we've shared.
for being a friend.

Thank you Angie Chandran
for leading our CG.
for understanding me.
for persistently convincing me to come to CG.
for the work you've done to Peri Peri.

Thank you Beatrice
for being a friend.

Thank you Benny Loo
for being helpful.

Thank you Boon Keat
for driving.
for lending me your car.
for the tremendous trust you have in me.
for taking me to the hospital when I had food poisoning.
for sharing with me secrets that I will keep with me for life.
for laughing together with me about people around us.
for being lame and being cool about it.

Thank you Carol
for being my buddy.

Thank you Celine
for taking care of my glasses for me

Thank you Chee Yong
for bringing forth your ideas about my FYP.
for being the friendly cheerful person that you are.
for leading cyberchristmas.

Thank you Chern Liang
for being who you are.

Thank You Cherry Ong
for the helping me out in E-nite.
for showing me around your house when i came to taiping.
for inviting me to act and be part of your project

Thank you Chim
for the hugs.
for light hearted atmosphere whenever you are around.

Thank you Ching Hwa
for being my roommate.
for being a brother.
for the nights we talked about us and the people around.
for the advise you gave when I'm down.
for the laughter we shared.
for the anime's you've shared with me.
for always supporting.
for never letting me down.
for the otak otak.
for fixing the toilet.

Thank you Christina Kim
for lending me tutorial 7 of expert systems when i forgot to bring mine.
for being the English DJ manager during our time.

Thank you Chun Wei
for the accompanying me.
for lending me your car when i needed it.
for teaching me how to kau lui.
for life's secrets that you've shared with me
for the jokes and laughter that we've shared.
for the fun i had when i was in taiping.
for being my brother.

Thank you Cindy Phua
for being my CG leader.
for never giving up on us.
for always reminding me to go to CG.
for coming to visit me in PG.
for being understanding.

Thank you Daniel Khoo
for the conversations that we've had.

Thank you Daniel Sim
for the number of the AV system company.
for your time and advise on the sound system.

Thank you David Eng
for driving me once to practice at a church in Puchong for cyberchristmas practice.
for your advise on straightened hair.
for being my director.
for laughing at me.

Thank You Daniel Wong
for being my buddy
for the experience in your peugeot.
for always making it for buddy lunch.

Thank you Eddy
for being a producer.
for making the effort to find us a spot to act.

Thank you Ee Chia
for listening to my sorrows.
for sewing my pants when it tore.
for being patient when i ejek you.
for being the smiley person that you are.

Thank you Elaine Chong
for treating me well when i was in seremban.
for spending time talking to me when i wanted to know more about someone.
for your friendship.

Thank you Esther Wee
for singing.
for good times we've had.

Thank You Fatima
for the super duper cool cornrows that you tied for me!

Thank you Francis Lai
for showing me your fishtail drift.
for your genuinely funny jokes.

Thank you Gim Han
for being a friend.
for making Steph a happy lady.

Thank you Gim Yee
for accepting me as your internet computing member.
for being a friend.
for the effort you've put into our project.

Thank You Gloria
for being a friend.

Thank You Gwendolyn
for letting me read the poem ryan wrote for you.
for showing me around your room.

Thank you Han Loon
for the fun we had.

Thank you Haru
for always talking cock.
for making things less boring in our house in alpha.
for the times we've had as roommates, coursemates.
for being "Rambutan".

Thank You Haze
for being my buddy.
for coming to lunch.
for being friendly.

Thank You Hing Hau
for being a friend.
for the times we've had.

Thank you Isabelle
for the times we had at dance practice.
for taking michelle with you to do her hair at the last minute.
for the effort.
for letting me call u belly and being cool about it.
for naming me chrissy.

Thank you Jacky Foo
for being a friend.

Thank You Jacqueline Siow
for landing me a job in Carrefoure.
for taking my place when i am not free.

Thank You James Lim
for being loud and agressive.
for being who you are.
for having me as part of your dance crew.
for the patience and tolerance.

Thank You Jay Shen
for being my friend.
for the jokes we've shared.
for driving.

Thank you Jane Chua
for being so friendly.
for making cyberchristmas a success.

Thank you Janet Yau
for being my buddy.
for making it to lunch.

Thank You Jason Mok
for the nachos/beef bologna.
for playing the guitar when i worship lead.
for your time.

Thank You Jia Yi
for fetching my to PC fair during gamma.
for making a detour to low yatt.

Thank you Jian Loong
for the laughter that we've shared.
for the inspiration that you've given to me as a brother.
for taking out the rubbish.
for pushing away YY when we wanted to take pics.
for the curtains in our house.
for the times we've had aduka-ing.

Thank you Joanne Chow Ling
for being cute.
for your contributions towards CG.

Thank You John See
for playing the piano.

Thank you Joseph Wong
for calling me a brother(Macha).
for being cool.
for being a friend.

Thank You Joshua Chiam
for the conversations we had.

Thank you Jowen
for being a friend.

Thank you Joyce Lim
for attending CG.
for sharing your personal stories with me.
for being friendly.

Thank you Julia Wong
for being a friend.

Thank you Julian
for being the ever smiling person that you are.
for being friendly.

Thank you Karen Lee
for the laughter that we've shared.
for the conversations that we've had.

Thank you Kar Fei
for the help you've always gave to me.
for always layan-ing me.
for making me laugh at the jokes you make.
for keeping me company in class.
for lending me money to buy food when i forgot to refill my wallet.
for making the funny faces and hand gestures to make me laugh.
for the water filter.
for the fridge.

Thank you Kenneth Lam
for taking in my jokes
for laughing with me
for the times we had in cyberchristmas

Thank You Kean Sing
for the advice and inspiration that you've given to me.
for being a brother.
for praying for me when i needed it most.
for lending me an ear when i'm in trouble.
for sharing with me your relationship with your ex.
for driving me to church when i needed transport.
for the fun time we had in CG.
for the laughter we've shared during cg leader's training camp about nigel's nose.
for the laughter we've shared about kidnapping a rich kid's son together with the maid.
for being one of the only few people that can make me laugh like shit.

Thank You Kevin Koay
for making the effort to search for maps of Penang for me.
for being a cool CF president.
for being an inspiration to CF and friends.

Thank you Kian Haw
for helping out computer stuff during Alpha, when I was stupid.
for introducing some girls to me during Alpha.
for making me feel better when i was down once in alpha.
for the water heater.
for the electric cooker.

Thank you Kiat Yeong
for having lunch with me.
for your willingness to listen and to give advice.
for being so friendly.

Thank you Leona
for teaching me how to sing.
for teaching me how to dance.
for being the CF president.

Thank you Luvin
for the wristband.
for the earrings.
for being a friend.

Thank you Lin hoe
for being my FYP groupmate.
for doing the database part.
for the effortfor the sacrifices you've made.
for your time.
for the good time we had at Midvalley.

Thank you Li lian
for making the effort to find the huge purple cloths for me.
for being my "chi chi".
for being my buddy.

Thank you Li Wei
for the experiences at Genting, E-Nite, Bayu Beach.
for the fun we had dancing in Cloud 9.
for going through Solero Shots with me for 3 times.
for the fun time I had when i was in Seremban.
for you have made me learn to think twice about feelings.
for sharing with me your personal stories
for inspiring me by being the positive person that you are.
for bluffing me to go for e-run.

Thank you Melissa Ann
for keeping my b'day card with you
for lending me your bandana

Thank you Melissa Tjen
for keeping me company when i needed it.
for being there for me when i was down.
for the suppers we've had.
for telling me your problems.
for all your advise.
for inviting me to act in your group project.

Thank You Michael Loo
for being who you are.
for giving my friends and i something to joke about.

Thank you Michelle Ding
for always being there during crisis times.
for making me feel better when i needed it.
for inspiring me to be more caring, thoughtful and hardworking by being you.
for sharing your thoughts and feelings.
for being my lovely, understanding prom date.
for the paths we've crossed in cyebrchristmas, theater, acts church, cf, cg, u-nite.
for being such a sister.
for making me feel special.
for being special.
for sewing my pants when it tore.
for working together to make our buddy feel special on his b'day.
for showing me "a boy, a girl and a fairytale".

Thank you Nian Yang
for the times we've had gunbounding.

Thank You Nik Emir
for being my roommate
for the friendship.

Thank you Nina Director
for being a director.
for pushing through the hard times.
for being lenion.
for the effort that you've done.

Thank you Nina Meow
for the times we've had in theater.
for being a friend.
for being the cool person that you are.

Thank you Nicholas Yong
for being a friend.

Thank you Nicky Woo
for sharing with me your pain, confusion and torment.
for allowing me to figure things out for you.
for listening.
for nights we;ve spent chatting.
for the ideas that you've genereated for cyberchristmas.
for the times we've spent playing warcraft.
for making me feel good.

Thank you Paul Tan
for being a friend.

Thank you Pei Hsien
for your time.
for your advice on E-Nite stuffs.

Thank you Phei phei
for visiting me when you were in Pg.
for the fun we had in Lush.

Thank you Poh Yee
for being who you are
for being noisy.

Thank you Rachel Thong
for the times we've had in Mambo, Pg.
for being the dance instructer.
for being a friend.

Thank You Robert Law
for letting me steal your food.
for being nice.

Thank you Samuel Mok
for the CD's.

Thank you Shaminie
for smiling.
for being nice.
for introducing sri paandi.
for teaching me the difference between paaaaandi and pig.
for the friendship.
for being noisy.

Thank You Shen Shee
for the friendship.

Thank You Shieda
for being cute.
for being a friend.

Thank you Shir Mein
for leaving me.
for teaching me what it means to be heartbroken.
for teaching me about taking things for granted.
for the past.
for the memories.
for your feelings, effort, care.

Thank You Shu Shan
for the friendship.
for being princess "CHaaann Tik!"
for the good times we've had.

Thank you Stephanie Fong
for having me play with your digicam in Genting.
for taking pictures for me.
for being patient when i laugh at your Ic indo maid face.

Thank you Stephanie Tan
for keeping me company during Gamma.
for lending me a listening ear when i needed it.
for being kind and understanding.
for making it to lunches with me during gamma.
for making it to u-nite.
for making cyberchristmas a success.

Thank you Steven Lim
for being a brother.
for the times we've had in the swimming pool.
for having me come over look at your fishes, scorpion.
for showing me around your house when i came to Seremban.

Thank you Su Lin
for your tennis racquet.

Thank you Su Yin
for caring.
for giving me medicine when i was sick in gamma.
for laughing.
for being lovely.

Thank you Victor
for listening to me when i was a DJ
for being a friend.

Thank you Viki
for lending me your car.
for the jokes we've shared.
for sharing with me the song where a chinses fella sang in malay.
for the steamboat you belanja-ed.

Thank you Virginia
for the compliments on my hair.

Thank you Wee Liem
for the times we've had sharing bout things.
for inspiring me to be persistent.
for caring for me, asking me out to lunch, have brotherly talk sessions.
for driving.

Thank you Winnie Wong
for accepting me as your group member for OOP.
for being a friend.

Thank you Woan Lih
for being "Lady Marmalade"
for the times we've had in alpha.

Thank You Yan Hsing
for being a gentleman
for being a friend.

Thank you Yati
for being my friend.
for the fun times i've had in theater class.

Thank you Yee Jin
for accepting me as your internet computing member.
for doing the interface part of our project.

Thank you Yeung Yie
for sharing with me your footie tips.
for the fun we had.

Thank you Yit Meng,Toh
for smiling everytime i see you.

Thank You Yuin-Y
for the conversations we had.

Thank you Yu Min
for being my FYP group member.
for settling the interface part.
for your efforts.
for the good times we've had in Midvalley.
for being tolerant.

Thank You Zhen bang
for being friendly.
for the times we've had in Beta.

Thank you Zun Jie
for being the joker that you are
for being a friend.